What is your reflex?
28 March 2020 by Nicole Loeffen
Something invisible and bigger than all of us together is taking over the world. This asks for a huge paradigm shift. How can I, how can you, how can we all, contribute to design sustainable change that makes our world a better place for all that lives?
Life is a common value, health comes first, we always say that and now we feel what this means more intense than ever before. First body, then business...this is how we need to act, be honest, did you so far? And right now?
We as human beings like to control, and do the best we can right now, but it’s not all in our hands. We need to trust that it will be over, although we don’t know when and how the world will look like at that time.
It’s fascinating to see the different reflexes of people. Some are still in the ignoring phase and act like nothing is going on. Others accept it that their world stands still for a few weeks or months, they talk about it like about a sabbatical at home reading books and rest and wait until it is over. Some are taken over by fear, others are realistic positive thinkers, seek opportunities or start up wonderful initiatives.
Many leaders tend to take over control and become managers again, assuming they need to save the business and not involving their teams at all. Other leaders invent true leadership in this new situation, involving their teams to change processes and put energy in the people as well, by paying attention and showing empathy to their employees, peers and customers.
Until only two weeks ago I was working with international leaders in Inzell, we talked about Corona but I was kind of naïve at that time and couldn’t foresee what is happening right now. During two crazy weeks full of online connecting to people I care about, I feel I need to make up my mind and act like it. Part of that is sharing my thoughts with you.
The world asks for a huge paradigm shift! Social life is limited and business as usual doesn’t seem to exist anymore. This isn’t the moment to simply stay in the survival mode, it’s the moment to put energy in reconsidering your life and work To (re)design future change that benefit’s us all. That makes this world a sustainable better world for all that lives.
Above is the main message in it for me. Endless online courses and podcasts pop-up, full of tips and solutions…all well-meant but this isn’t me. I don’t have the answer yet, not for myself, not for you. What I do have is my strong, experienced, realistic positive thinking me. And there is more than enough “me” to share with whoever needs some energy on their change expedition.
My reflex is to keep questioning myself and others: How can I contribute, bringing in my true self, my energy and my full potential, to come through this difficult period all together and design some sustainable change at the same time to make it a better world after all? This question will be my guide for the coming period. I will keep you posted. Reach out to me if you need some energy on your change expedition! We are in this together, and we will come out of this together.
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