Looking back to go forward
14 January 2014 by Nicole Loeffen
2013 was the first year as a full-time self-employed professional, after several years combining self-employment with a nice job in finance.
The last year I looked back with many acquaintances on our common experiences. This resulted in a number of renewed introductions in which we discovered new common paths towards the future. I also have met many wonderful people and new worlds during network conversations or assigments. It was also a year of investing in my professional development, by following specializations in the field of monitoring change as an intervention, the business impact (and ROI) of learning programs and e-coaching.
What learns a look back on last year full of beautiful encounters and experiences me for the future?
I will remain faithful to my open approach by always starting from the question or desire of my customer. As well as I will keep a wide focus on change management, (personal) leadership and team development.
In addition to this open approach, during the year 2014 I would like to acquaint more organisations with six concrete interventions. They all have a proven impact in different environments and suit my personal experience and approach.
Today I introduce them briefly to you via this blog:
The Change Monitorin cooperation with Kilian Bennebroek Gravenhorst.
A thorough method using own strength to give a boost to on going change. This interactive intervention begins with dialogue and results in a realistic action plan to make the on going change a success.
ROI of learningfrom Jack and Patty Phillips in cooperation with ROINavigator.
Designing learning programs from the perspective of the desired business impact, the required change in the workplace and the learning needs. Afterwards get insight into the actual business impact and return on investment. A method to realize a maximum effect with the available training budget.
Ready for changein cooperation with Gooiconsult.
A one time short program for managers and employees that motivates them in their role during the change. With attention both to the individual and the team. Proven effect before or during long-term reorganizations in various organizations.
Team Boostin cooperation with VDS.
Team Boost is a six-month program that ensures that the team can achieve breakthroughs in a short time. The active ingredients are: focus and rhythm, common goals, utilizing everyone's potential and effective cooperation.
Meetings with impactin cooperation with an internal team.
Advising, designing, producing and executing returning meetings for specific target groups. A combination of providing content, interaction to give meaning to this and inspiration to get started.
E-coachingin cooperation with de Baak and the European Institute.
In terms of demand and capacity this is a rapidly developing flexible, efficient and sustainable form of coaching. Truly a profession, so I choose a certification in this.
Do you want to know more about something? Or can something be interesting for somewhere in your network? Please contact me for an appointment.