Is this all there is?
5 April 2018 by Nicole Loeffen
A few days ago I heard the noise of my daylight alarm slowly get louder. Usually I push the ‘snooze” button in a reflex to be able to wake up quietly for another 10 minutes. This time…the familiar sound of the “Doe Maar” ( a Dutch band famous like the Beatles in Holland when I was young) song “Is dit alles (is this all there is?)” made me change my mind. And enjoying the refrain lines I suddenly experienced an ultimate feeling of happiness and before I knew I was singing out loude ‘Yes this is all there is”.
Intens happiness for a few moments…how fine can that be! Realizing that flow and rhythm feel great on all fronts. “Does this mean that there is nothing else to wish fore?” my critical inner voice asked almost immediately. “Sure…and that can wait for a few minutes” I answered very firm in my mind.
And so I consciously enjoyed this intense happy feeling…and now a few days later I still experience the effect and the energy it gave me. I will write about this came into my mind!
Now, in my sunny home office, it took me more than an hour lots of energy to find some words that express my happy feeling in a good way..I am not able to find them.
Each word, every sentence fails to cover the feeling I try to describe. So I will stop trying right now.
Can it be that happiness is simular to pain? You remember it was there but are not able to recall the intensity in the moment itself? Possibly. Fortunately if it concerns pain…regrettable for happiness. It is what it is…my influence was limited by enjoying the moment and not pushing the “snooze” button…that was all.
Please google to find out how much scientific research is done about happiness… Those research show us that good relationships have a positive effect on happiness, do you recognize that? I do. And that happiness has a positive effect on health. And that money and fame can give comfort but have no proven relation with real happiness…although lots of us strive for more money and fame.
After all, when I read those articles and watch the YouTube video’s those are only words again, they keep me in my head trying to understand and I realize I miss the feeling of real happiness more than ever. This intense ultimate feeling can not be brought back using words. The same for the short meaningful moments during work when I witnessed “click” moments at others that helped them to find more happiness and success…that is what makes me happy! Happy moments for which words fall short afterwards and that create a special bond for life.
A famous statement is “no pain no change”. I am convinced that happiness also initiates change…because the ultimate feeling of happiness always is just a moment and tastes for more. And for that you need change, big or small,,, since “by itself” it will not appear again is my conviction. The art is to have quit clear what is important for you and use this knowledge as a guide…and to spot happiness along the road in the moment and be flexible to take a break and optimally enjoy it in the moment drawing strength out of it to continue the road.
Happiness is so near by many times, just spotting it takes energy. Allow it to “break in” in the moment and take a break is quit a challenge in this demanding time. That takes energy…and returns multiple energy, satisfaction and strength as well. Don’t spilt them again trying to find words to explain to others, just reuse it to find more happiness for yourself and others…because happiness tastes for more!
My mission is to guide others to more happiness and success…and be a good example myself. I can not pass my happy moment from a few days ago in words. What I can do is use the energy and strength it gave me to help you finding, recognizing and experiencing happiness.
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